Donna Church 

Rising Phoenix T'ai Chi 24 Instructor,  
Movement Improvement T'ai Chi and Qi Gong Instructor Level Two 

Donna Church has studied T'ai Chi and Qi Gong at Rising Phoenix Studio for more than 9 years, and she is a Certified Level One Movement Improvement Instructor and  teaches our program as a primary teacher and assistant teacher in many venues around Atlanta. She is also a substitute teacher for our T'ai Chi 24 and Qi Gong classes.  Donna has also studied with our T'ai Chi Master Yun Xiang Tseng of WuDang, China. She also studied ballet seriously for many years. 


Donna taught elementary school for 31 years and is retired from Atlanta Public Schools.  She brings her keen aptitude and training in movement and teaching skills to her classes. Before her retirement, she began attending Cate’s tai chi classes because she was attracted to the movement and the health benefits. Cate encouraged her to become a teacher in training as soon as she retired from teaching.  She can appreciate the good that Movement Improvement provides. 

Her patient ways and bright, happy spirit are enjoyed by all of her students! We are happy that Donna is on our team!